The ACTS Core Team is responsible for the decisions governing the ACTS Ministry within their parish in keeping with the directives, guidelines and provisions of the ACTS Core Charter and of ACTS Missions.
Their main responsibilities are:
1. Assume responsibility for staffing each of the administrative roles.
2. Facilitate the selection of the Director of each retreat sponsored by the parish.
3. Serve as a source for advice, counsel, new ideas, and procedures for retreat directors.
4. Uphold the integrity of ACTS by ensuring the ACTS retreats are held consistent with the description and directives set forth in the ACTS Missions Director’s Manual and the “Spiritually Essential Elements” document. It is recommended that Core keep an open line of communication with the Directors and the retreat teams.
5. Ensure the success of ACTS by providing and promoting opportunities for faith sharing groups, evangelization, community service, and other faith-enriching events.
The ACTS Core is comprised of a Facilitator, Co-Facilitator, Parish Priest or Liaison (non-voting) and a body of additional ACTS community members who are fully committed to the building of the ACTS Community within their parish and to ACTS Core as a ministry. These members must have been a retreatant on an adult ACTS retreat, served on an adult ACTS team, and displayed leadership abilities with a servant’s heart. The members will serve in one of the following administrative roles:
Retreat Support
Retreat Supply
The Core will meet monthly and at the call of the Facilitator, who will conduct the general business of ACTS. Decisions will be made when a quorum is present consisting of at least two-thirds of the total Core, and votes will be taken when necessary, with majority vote ruling. Decisions made by the Core will be decisions that affect the ACTS community, the relationship with retreat centers, and with other parishes in the diocese. The Core will ensure that the retreat weekends are in keeping with ACTS Missions.
An operating fund is maintained to purchase supplies and materials to carry out the retreat weekends. An ACTS trailer is kept to store all materials for retreats. A registration fee for the retreat weekends is necessary in order to defray the costs of the retreat. Scholarships are available to those in financial need, as finances should not keep anyone from attending.
The OLV ACTS Core Team meets every month on the first Monday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Victory Annex to discuss administration of the ACTS ministry. All meetings are open to the parish community. If you would like to add an item to the agenda for discussion, please send an e-mail to [email protected].